Schedule for UX INDIA 21
Day 1, 16th DEC
Day 2,17th DEC
Day 3, 18th DEC
Day 1, 10th DEC
Day 2, 11th DEC
Day 3, 12th DEC


6:30 - 6:38 PM IST
8:00 - 8:08 AM EST

Kaladhar Bapu Shyam Duriseti Rohan Sridhar

06:38 - 06:58 PM IST
8:08 - 8:28 AM EST
Opening Keynote
Opening Keynote

Karel Vredenburg

6:58 - 7:17 PM IST
8:28 - 8:47 AM EST
Fostering Global Cultural Diversity in Design
Fostering Global Cultural Diversity in Design
Design for too long has been influenced by Europe and North America. It's time for that to change. Cultures around the globe, like those in India, have a long and proud design history that needs to be celebrated. Global cultural diversity needs to be incorporated into design curricula and into design practice. We need to be more inclusive in the types of students we inspire to consider design as a profession including appealing to their parents. And we need to build strong communities for design within countries as well as ones that bring the world's designers together as one. We need to design a better world and we have to do it together with vibrant design communities from around the world.

Leonardo De La Rocha

7:17 - 7:27 PM IST
8:47 - 8:57 AM EST
A framework for design systems at scale
A framework for design systems at scale
Frameworks are necessary for companies to operate at scale. A thoughtfully crafted and fully adopted design system serves as a powerful framework for organizations with multiple apps and services, consumed across multiple platforms, by millions or even billions of people. So how do you get there and what things should you consider for your scaled organization? This 8 minute lightning talk will provide the foundations that are used at companies like Intuit where supporting multiple, different products with a single design system allows for rapid innovation.

John Consigli

7:27 - 7:36 PM IST
8:57 - 9:06 AM EST
Achieve Growth with Lean UX Research
Achieve Growth with Lean UX Research
Growth is essential for our businesses and it's important for our careers. The tools to make it happen are at our fingertips. We're in a golden age of UX research: Emerging techniques and technologies allow us to learn just enough, just in time to make the right decisions. Lean UX research allows us to gain the good faith of our stakeholders and to achieve real and lasting growth.



7:44 - 8:16 PM IST
9:14 - 9:46 AM EST
Design Leadership
Design Leadership
The speakers for Design and Leadership Panel are:- Wolfgang Bremer, Joe Preston, Scott Sorokin, Udhaya Kumar and the moderator for this Panel is Shyam Duriseti

Ben Reason & Marzia Arico

8:16 - 8:35 PM IST
9:46 - 10:05 AM EST
Operationalising Service Design
Operationalising Service Design
Ben and Marzia will provide a brief backstory of service design and Livework's experience as pioneers. They will then focus on a key challenge; what does design need to do to be effective within organisations? Ben and Marzia will share how livework approaches this challenge with examples of their more recent work. Touching on a range of factors from people to metrics to change methods.

Kim Heilman

8:35 - 8:54 PM IST
10:05 - 10:24 AM EST
Users & Success Metrics: UX insights from Facebook, Salesforce, & Google
Users & Success Metrics: UX insights from Facebook, Salesforce, & Google
How do you know if your designs are effective? Make sure you're designing with the right success metrics in mind. Learn the differences between user-centered and customer-centered. Whether you're driving engagement, selling a concept, or delivering super efficient workflows, learn techniques for ensuring your designs meet the right user and business objectives.



9:02 - 9:34 PM IST
10:32 - 11:04 AM EST
UX as a career
UX as a career
The speakers for Design and Leadership Panel are:- Simran Kaur, Beth Toland, Ana Sophia,Jen Schaefer and the moderator for this Panel is Rohan Sridhar

Kiran Kulkarni

9:34 - 9:43 PM IST
11:04 - 11:13 AM EST
A Monday in my life as a UX manager
A Monday in my life as a UX manager
In this video, I share how I manage a typical Monday planning design, my day to day responsibility, how I collaborate and take key decisions creating high quality design with high performing teams.

Madhukar Joshi

9:43 - 9:52 PM IST
11:13 - 11:22 AM EST
The Mind of the Design Leader and Designer's DNA
The Mind of the Design Leader and Designer's DNA
The art of managing self and teams to outstanding results that matter to users and how to elevate their experiences

Scott Sorokin

9:52 - 10:11 PM IST
11:22 - 11:41 AM EST
Pursue the Future
Pursue the Future
This talk is not about UX or UI or design thinking. We will explore the impact technology and data are having on enterprises and our work as Designers.

Nihal Pimpale

10:20 - 10:39 PM IST
11:50 - 12:09 AM EST
Designing carbon aware products & businesses
Designing carbon aware products & businesses
A Climate change is the defining challenge of our generation. Designers tag themselves as 'problem solvers'. And here's one of the biggest problems the planet is facing and to make the next century, we need to take better care. Attendees will be taken through a journey by surfacing: 1. Understanding the basics and pillars of digital sustainability 2. How can we (designers and businesses) contribute by consciously building carbon aware experiences and measuring the impact of the products we design and businesses we build.

Mario Van Der Mulen

10:39 - 10:58 PM IST
12:09 - 12:28 AM EST
Co-creating Collaboration - a how to
Co-creating Collaboration - a how to
At a time when the way we think, interact, and innovate is shifting, how do we think with those that think differently? We quickly label that effort with the term 'collaboration'. However, too often that effort is ruled by hierarchy and topdown leadership.


6:30 - 6:34 PM IST
8:00 - 8:04 AM EST

Ana Sophia Gonzales

6:34 - 6:52 PM IST
8:04 - 8:22 AM EST
So.. What Now?
So.. What Now?
There are a lot of shifts happening in the world right now. We have seen everything in this pandemic from political and social movements to technological advancements. We need to continue to push for empathy and self-awareness.

Jayasri Nagrale

6:52 - 7:11 PM IST
8:22 - 8:41 AM EST
Designing with and for Machine Intelligence
Designing with and for Machine Intelligence

Kaladhar Bapu and Melvin Thambe

7:11 - 7:30 PM IST
8:41 - 9:00 AM EST
Kaladhar Bapu and Melvin Thambe NFT session
Kaladhar Bapu and Melvin Thambe NFT session

Dhanashree Apte

7:30 - 7:39 PM IST
9:00 - 9:09 AM EST
Take care of your tribe
Take care of your tribe
Pandemic has hit closer to everyone's home and has had a profound impact on the team's morale. Team members, be it designers or anyone else, are finding it hard to focus and empathize as they struggle to come to terms with their own losses. Remote work has made it that much more difficult to disconnect and distract oneself. Now, more than ever is a time to empathize with your team. As a Design Thinker, I will talk about a few design thinking activities that I've been conducting at my workplace with my team to identify, address and resolve stress, mental-health and motivation issues that the team is dealing with.

Swapnil Borkar

7:39 - 7:48 PM IST
9:09 - 9:18 AM EST
Self Serve model in Enterprises and what we have been doing at CleverTap for the past year for startups
Self Serve model in Enterprises and what we have been doing at CleverTap for the past year for startups
1. The need to go self-serve 2. Transitioning mentally from a sales and customer success-driven enterprise product to a self-serve model for startups. 3. Your every touchpoint begins and ends with the product. No middle-person. 4. Making onboarding flawless. 5. Making payments easy. 6. Understanding cliffs and challenges for the users and building tools to navigate them. 7. Driving delight through design



7:56 - 8:28 PM IST
9:26 - 9:58 AM EST
UX in India
UX in India
The speakers for Design and Leadership Panel are:- Vibhuti Agrawal, Arun Murugesan, Kiran Kulkarni, Prashanth Shanmugam and the moderator for this Panel is Rohan Sridhar

Ken Skistimas

8:28 - 8:47 PM IST
9:58 - 10:17 AM EST
Overcoming Ambiguity: Utilizing your strengths to manage change
Overcoming Ambiguity: Utilizing your strengths to manage change
The experience of the pandemic has tested our boundaries for ambiguity. Our ideal vision and timelines were upended by unexpected challenges and factors out of our control. Allowing change and ambiguity to get the best of us is a missed opportunity. By embracing it and learning how to use it as a tool, ambiguity can be a powerful accelerant for our own personal growth and organizational growth. I'll speak to my personal experiences managing ambiguity, leading a team through it during the pandemic, and the techniques I learned to utilize change as a catalyst to evolve both personally and professionally.

Itamar Medeiros

8:47 - 9:06 PM IST
10:17 - 10:36 AM EST
What's the Problem We're Trying to Solve: how to make sure that teams are paddling on the same direction
What's the Problem We're Trying to Solve: how to make sure that teams are paddling on the same direction



9:14 - 9:46 PM IST
10:44 - 11:16 AM EST
Hiring UX Designers
Hiring UX Designers

Stevanus Christopel

9:46 - 9:55 PM IST
11:16 - 11:25 AM EST
Measuring Humanity Metrics in Our Design
Measuring Humanity Metrics in Our Design
Technology grows and simplifies our life through multiple digital products. But does it always bring good cause? We often see the other spectrum of the users facing the problems with our innovation.

Lawrance Altaffer

9:55 - 10:14 PM IST
11:25 - 11:44 AM EST
Design Leadership through a Pandemic - What I've Learned Along the Way
Design Leadership through a Pandemic - What I've Learned Along the Way
Moving a team to remote work, navigating the global pandemic and more localized social upheaval, a massive amount of change for any team. We'll talk through what my team did, how we did it, why we did it, and what role leaders need to play as the world continues to change.

Supriya Kulkarni

10:23 - 10:42 PM IST
11:53 - 12:12 AM EST
Building Positive Experiences with Ethical Design
Building Positive Experiences with Ethical Design
The role of design, as well as that of designers is undergoing a major change. Every design decision we make while developing products, services or experiences has the power to seriously influence and impact users, non-users, as well as the wider society.

Chris Noessel

10:42 - 11:01 PM IST
12:12 - 12:32 PM EST
A Primer of 29 Basic AI Interactions
A Primer of 29 Basic AI Interactions
Narrow Artificial Intelligence can seem overwhelming. AI is a complicated thing and is understandably filled with intimidating computational jargon. In this talk I'm going to do something foolhardy, and that's to tell you — the interaction designers — don't panic. For our jobs, the basics of AI are probably simpler than you think. Of course, as designers, you should be goal-oriented first and foremost. Who are the users? What are their goals? What are their contexts? How do they use the thing? Does it work? That said, you should also be familiar with the material in which you are designing, so you can match the material with the human goal as best as you can.


6:30 - 6:38 PM IST
8:00 - 8:08 AM EST

Kaladhar Bapu & Shyam Duriseti

06:38 - 06:58 PM IST
8:08 - 8:28 AM EST
Opening Keynote
Opening Keynote

Andy Vitale

6:58 - 7:17 PM IST
8:28 - 8:47 AM EST
Designing Responsible Products
Designing Responsible Products
Design has always been about problem solving. But the scale and complexity of the problems designers face is at an all-time high as we consider designing solutions that are safe, ethical, and inclusive. Now more than ever, designers need to be accountable for the decisions we make and understand the lasting impact our designs leave behind. Attendees will learn: What it means to design safe ethical and inclusive solutions How to embed responsibility into the design process Best practices for designing products with responsible intent

Scott Sorokin

7:17 - 7:27 PM IST
8:47 - 8:57 AM EST
Pig not Lipstick
Pig not Lipstick

Vanitha Shankar

7:27 - 7:36 PM IST
8:57 - 9:06 AM EST
Inclusion: Are we getting it right?
Inclusion: Are we getting it right?
Inclusion is an imperative discussion in the context of designing desirable futures. Diversity, as we know, is a crucial element in achieving inclusive outcomes. Hence the question: how are we looking at diversity? As gender, race, class or identity? Or as a broader topic about cognition - diversity of thoughts and perspectives based on personality, experiences, ideologies, and independent thinking styles? This talk will explore how we can better understand diversity and inclusion from the lens of collective intelligence.



7:44 - 8:16 PM IST
9:14 - 9:46 AM EST
Industry + Acedemia
Industry + Acedemia

Jon Deragon

8:16 - 8:35 PM IST
9:46 - 10:05 AM EST
Bringing Life to Digital Products
Bringing Life to Digital Products
While some mobile apps and websites feel desolate and soulless, others feel captivating, vibrant and... alive! We'll explore the many design, functional and behavioral factors that influence how products are perceived and felt by users and suggest how best to design a sense of life into products.

Thomas Girard

8:35 - 8:54 PM IST
10:05 - 10:24 AM EST
Unique Ways of Prototyping
Unique Ways of Prototyping



9:02 - 9:34 PM IST
10:32 - 11:04 AM EST
Innovation Leadership
Innovation Leadership

Dean Schuster

9:34 - 9:53 PM IST
11:04 - 11:23 AM EST
Understanding the Mysterious Behavior of Complex Digital Product Users.
Understanding the Mysterious Behavior of Complex Digital Product Users.
Workhorse, data-dense digital products pose serious challenges, requiring compact UI focused on productivity and efficiency. To make better complex apps and software, we must deeply understand the domain expert power user, whose behavior and preferences confound the best digital product designers. But you CAN do it. The best place to start is understanding the user of complex interfaces. In this talk, you'll learn how to come to terms with their needs. It will change the way you think about constrained interface design. And your users will love you for it.

Deepa Bachu & Alisha Raghavan

10:02 - 10:21 PM IST
11:32 - 11:51 AM EST
Using Design Thinking to improve worker safety in manufacturing
Using Design Thinking to improve worker safety in manufacturing
Improving workforce safety is a priority for all responsible organizations, even as they often struggle to balance safety and productivity demands. While process improvements and state of art infrastructure would help reduce accidents, these interventions were not enough. We, Pensaar Design, wanted to know whether new approaches to workplace safety and worker training may be able to help keep more workers safe. What emerged was the need to better understand worker and manager attitudes and behaviors toward safety. The hope was that the human-centered ethos of design thinking could help reframe this problem in ways that regular process improvements alone could not. This wasn’t a small endeavor. Design thinking is an in-depth process of research, ideation, and experimentation. It requires patience and time to see improvement. Applying it to an issue as important as worker safety required careful planning and the participation of many individuals, which adds to the effort’s costs. But we found that by better understanding worker assumptions and engaging in rapid experimentation, this kind of behavioral work can be a potent tool to make improvements to worker safety.

Ashutosh Kumar

10:21 - 10:40 PM IST
11:51 - 12:10 AM EST
Pathfinding for 0-1 Product Designs
Pathfinding for 0-1 Product Designs

Conference Concludes
Learn DesignOps For Beginners NEW

By Aurobinda Pradhan & Shashank Deshpande
6:30 - 8:00 PM IST
On 10th & 11th Dec 2021 (3 Hours Workshop)
Good DesignOps is the foundation for good user experience. We rely on workflows, processes, team competencies and governance to scale our UX/Design function. In this short workshop we will dive into the key dimensions of DesignOps and collaboratively explore various operational models.
cost per workshop plus tax as applicable
How To Prototype For Voice UI? NEW

By Thomas Girard
9:00 - 10:30 AM IST
On 11th & 12th Dec 2021 (3 Hours Workshop)
The process of making is not hard to figure out. Choosing actionable items towards what constitutes “making” is hard. In this workshop, you’ll be introduced to some surprising, easy, and effective ways of prototyping with Siri and other voice interfaces. You will also create role play scenarios between Siri and a user of Siri.
cost per workshop plus tax as applicable
‘WHAT IF’: Designing For Known ‘People’ In Unknown ‘Scenarios’ NEW

By Sudebi Thakurata & Probal Banerjee
6:30 - 8:00 PM IST
On 10th & 11th Dec 2021 (3 Hours Workshop)
The workshop is designed to help anyone who wants to engage in complexity, narratives, systems, design, business, problem-solving in a people-centered and futures-oriented way. It is meant for anyone interested in learning and ideating how to design for and with people. We will do this through a gamified experience with the possibility of delving deeper into fictional characters in movies and then imagining those characters in a range of future scenarios.
cost per workshop plus tax as applicable
Agile and Scrum in a Nutshell NEW

By Todd Lankford
6:30 - 8:00 PM IST
On 10th & 11th Dec 2021 (3 Hours Workshop)
At its core, Agile is about people effectively collaborating to deliver customer and business value. Many wrongly think Agile is all about better, faster, and cheaper delivery of features. But a user-centric, outside-in approach is central to the Agile mindset.
cost per workshop plus tax as applicable